Military Personnel On Base

PV2 B.Tremblay

Vital Statistics
Private Second Class

Grade E-2, PV2
Name Bernard D Tremblay Enlisted 05SEP2009
Age n/a Inducted
Location - (Canada) Status Active Duty
Combat Unit   Duty Unit
Position   Position -
Service Record Entries
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Awards & Recognition
# Date Award
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Personal Biography

Canadian (and proud of it); AA2 / PV2 75thR (and likewise).

Some tunez I re-mixed.

Biography (XFire prangerx)


Name: Bernard D. Tremblay

After a long day

CFL: Edmonton Eskimos
DOB: 5MAY54 Fav Music: Traditional; Classical; Classic Rock; Jazz; RATM


Edmonton, AB Canada Job: free-lance tech_comms

75th Ranger Biography

Real Life Biography

On 19AUG09 I wrote to someone on YouTube (CeeJ64 aka Chief Warrant Officer 5 Johnson, Courtney C, Ret) after viewing one of their videos:


" Subject: 75th

Greets - Snooping around, thinking about taking on BF2 choppers, I found your video ... finest kinda shiet!

FYI: shows "Account Suspended".


Over the next few days I trolled to find out what kind of attack was happening, and set the hook with this:


" Out of BF2 hunh ... kinda sad to hear it ... such a basically good game.
You into CoD now?

I'm kinda orphaned ... I luv strategy / tactic ... played PanzerGeneral BEM for years ... 1st person shooter is wey fun, but I get tired of it after a while, too hyper.
I wish there was a real strategy MPOG somewhere."


So I joined the 75thR's site on the 29th and heh by 30AUG09 it was me on the hook!


" K, got confirmation email from ... username Pranger. cheers.

BTW: "Battlefield 2 patch 1.5 coming Tuesday September 1st!" ... works for me!

I don't see getting set up for AA anytime real soon; look forward to whatever training I can get. Maybe even more: would like to help with logistics/comms."


And in the next coupla days ... well, the next day even: " p.s.2 reading 75thR docs ... bit by bit ..."
Yaa ... enlisted the 5th, and Affirmation a week later. *whooooosh!*

When I am not online I'm either asleep or deathly ill; I've been online one way or another since 1978 ... or '72 ... or '68, depending how you date things. (Most text messaging and cell phone calls are BS. EMail is practically real-time, IRC is real-time, Vent and TS and Skype are real-time, but ADHD => texting ... mental twitching.)

The trade I was in RegForce was originally called "Radioman Special", and if you ponder that for a mo' or two you'll figure out what we were up to. (Yaa, that, all of it, the whole 9 yards.) So at the end of the day I can babysit your NORAD/SAC microwave/troposcatter system, or engineer a recording of your symphony orchestra, or run CBC Radio's Master Control Room, or write MIL-SPEC tech_docs for your R&D project ... I can even hump a radio and whip up an extra antenna from whatever's handy. "Technical communicator" kinda captures it. *shrug*

My name is Bernard Tremblay. (If you say "Burn-ard" or "Burn-uhrd, I won't know you're talking to me. So I just go by "Ben".)
I was born 5MAY54, was married, and raised 5 kids. (4 girls, then heh tail-end charlie is my son. *beam*)

My whole working life has been about communications of one sort or another ... as a technical documents specialist, CMC operative, or coordination tables, chairs, and coffee.
From 49th LER (4PPCLI Reserves) through ComRsch291 (via CFB Cornwallis 7208, CFS Gloucester, CFB/CFSCEE Kingston and finally CFS Gander) to folk fests and PTA bake sales. *G*

I have known about AA2 for something like 2 weeks, and about the 75th Rangers for something like a week less than that.

"Realistic" is what I've heard said to describe this ... and I agree, but maybe meaning something else. No, meaning something more: IRL doesn't stop when we go online.
Here, with the warriors' ethos and the Rangers' Creed, maybe we can know that when we do what we do it's always real; it's never other than real; this is reality.


written in the 2nd week of September, 2009, prior to graduation from RIP #201.


Service Record

30SEP2009 OpOrd: OPD; 96B Intelligence Analyst
15SEP2009 OpOrd: B/1/B/1-75th "Eagles"
11SEP2009 Graduated RIP #201
05SEP2009 Enlistment application accepted
30AUG2009 Registered on site ("Pranger")



Match Details

Immediately preceeding Affirmation (11SEP09)

thanks to SPC Maessen for URL

I Do

I might slip, fall, and die, so I will not go into my bathroom for a bath or shower.

I might get caught by a shower of flaming fat, so I will not go into the kitchen to deep fry this fish for supper.

I might well get into a multi-vehicle collision and be crushed, to die of internal bleeding. Or maimed, to live life crippled. Or burned in a spectacular inflagration, to die or to suffer on ...
... so no way I'll go for groceries.


There is a piece of work to be done. A villain to be interdicted, perhaps, or some schools to be guarded, or members of civil society to be protected.
And I may be knocked over, I may be torn up, I may be maimed. And I might die. But I will go there.
I will do so.
That is what I do.
It is what I have chosen to do.
It is what I trained and prepared for.
Back then, on a day I remember, I chose.
If and when it comes to pass that it is mine to do, I will.

Now, with a need in mind, and a clear sense of task and duty, I do what I do, as I can, where I am.
I am a warrior.

06:14Z 17SEP09
AA2/PV2 B.Tremblay B/1/B/1-75thR


PPCLI - Moving out from Chaum-ni; 17th of February 1951

Alpha Company, 2nd Platoon "Red Devils"
CFB Griesbach / Edmonton, AB;
15JULY2006 - near Sangin, Halmand Province;
ambushed by insurgents

video by Scott Kesterson (YouTube; age restricted)

JS Bach - Book 2 CD2 Well-Tempered Clavier by Daniel Ben Pienaar

RadiomanSpecial/Crypto | SigInt | ComRsch291 contact: ben at CGI / CFS Gloucester 1943 - 1972 RadiomanSpecial | SigInt | ComRsch291
last edited 05:16Z 28SEP09 [ » clock « ]

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PV2 B.Tremblay

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